Thursday, August 26, 2010

Adventure take two....

So it has been about two months since I got home from the "best semester" of my life, and already so much has changed from when I left. In my head I told myself that I knew when I got home things wouldn't be the same because I had been gone for four months and life moves on! Buuuut I think I still slightly expected things to be how I left. I came home feeling unwilling to go back to Olivet, my best friend moved 20 hours away to start her new life as a "big girl" in the "real world", Bo was moving to North Carolina to become a firefighter, and I felt like I got thrown back into the high spin cycle on the washing machine and I was getting really dizzy. I tried to just plow through and continue as if things were the same as when I left but I knew they weren't. God was poking and prodding me in a new direction and I wasn't having it. I was still in denial that things were going to change radically at the end of the summer and I was going to pretend that we were all going to happily contiune our lives as if nothing had changed. I finally stopped trying to avoid the inevitable and when I shut up long enough to listen to what God was trying to tell me the washing machine feeling finally stopped and I found clarity.
God has always communicated to me through music. It has always been our language to each other and so I wasn't surprised when that was how he started preparing me for changes ahead. I'd be playing guitar and words would come to me about trust, I was in church and we sang a song that said, "You make all things work together for my good", and over and over again he was showing me that he knew the best path for me and that he would lead me. I began wondering if I should consider checking out Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville again because it had been my other serious option other than Olivet my freshman year. The next day my mom asked if I thought I should go visit Trevecca so I was like okay God I get it and I grabbed my dad and that weekend we drove the seven hours down south to visit this school. I got there and I loved Nashville of course but I was still kind of oh, I'll just go back to Olivet for at least a semester and see how it goes. But I just felt more and more drawn to Trevecca and everything began falling into place and before I knew it I was transferring to Trevecca and was going to be in their worship arts program!
It's funny how when I left for Australia six months ago, I thought I would come home and life would just pick up where it left off. That everyone would be in the same place they were when I left even though my life had changed drastically. I think it was good though because God didn't let me come home from Australia the same girl who left. He taught me a lot about listening and trusting when I was there and even more when I got back. I thought he took away my support system so that I would trust in him overseas, but now he's taking it one step further and doing it again even when I'm back in America which I think will be harder! It was easy to be in Australia and just tell myself that in four months when I got home I would see everyone I usually rely on for support. I'm excited to see what God has to show me in Nashville and to see the purpose in him bringing me here. I don't doubt that there is a purpose.
So here I am. At the next phase of my life. Standing on the brink yet again, my fourth time in a new environment not knowing any friends just waiting for him to show me what he wants from me now that I'm being vulnerable.Maybe I'm crazy but I always thought God used the crazy people :)
Adventure, take two!