Most Americans assume that since Australia has great cities like Sydney and Melbourne that living in Australia must be the same as living in America. I have found that to be untrue in more ways than one including the music scene. On the weekends I have noticed that ninety-nine percent of the music played at pubs are Australian musicians playing American songs. I find that interesting because I assumed that Australia would have their own set of popular artists and hits. I say that this is different from America because they are American songs because of something I learned that is called the “tall poppy syndrome” which is an Australian slang term.
In Australia tall poppy syndrome is a term used to describe people who have distinguished themselves from the rest because of their talents or achievements. According to Urban tall poppy syndrome is defined as, “Australian slang for the tendency to criticize highly successful people (ie, tall poppies), and 'cut them down'.” Here in Australia, people do not want to distinguish themselves from the rest because of the resentment that others feel towards them and the instinct for others to cut them back down to their level. Because of this, there is not an abundance of Australian musicians living here in Australia. I have found that most go to the UK or the US in order to become famous and make themselves known. Even musicians coming here to Australia have a harder time pleasing the crowd because audiences can generally be harsher in their judgment of a performance.
A recent example of this was Whitney Houston’s concert in Sydney which got ripped to shreds by Australian fans on television and in the newspapers. The Daily Telegraph also thinks this may have to do with the tall poppy syndrome. In an article on the concert journalist Jamie Campbell says that it was a mixture of wanting to tear someone down who has had huge global success (tall poppy syndrome) and that reviewers deciding that because of her widely known drug problem that she would not be up to it. This is just one example of how Australians can be critical and hard to please but there are of course musicians who become big in this country. For example, AC/DC got their start in Melbourne Australia when the Young Brothers migrated from Australia from Scotland.

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